Article Submission Site Reviews – Which Ones Are Best?

If you’ve been around the Internet for any length of time at all, then you know that article marketing is a great way to boost your websites rankings and spread the word about your website and product or services that you’re selling. Not only is it effective, it’s inexpensive and anyone usually has enough skill to do it. The trick is finding an article submission site that will distribute your articles to hundreds of article directories, blogs and websites. There are a ton of article submission sites and software on the market designed to send your article all over the Internet. But as with anything else, there are some good ones and not so good ones.

Don’t get me wrong, you can manually submit your article to all these blogs and directories, but it will take you a lot of time! Probably days if not weeks. Now you begin to see what article submission sites and software are popular!

The first place I ever used was EzineArticles. This is a site where you submit your article and if accepted, they post it on their website. Then, Webmasters and Bloggers come there looking for content for their sites. They pick up your article and post it on their website or blog. Your article should have a link to your website and information about your site and contact information if it’s necessary. The place you enter this information is called the Resource Box and it will be at the bottom of the article. Just make sure you do not put links to affiliate programs in there, they’ll reject it if you do. I’ve had good success with EzineArticles, although their editors can be air heads at time. If you get an article rejected, try to fix it and resubmit it.


GoArticles is another place you can submit your article for free. Again, Bloggers and Website owners come to look for articles for their site and may find your article. GoArticles also uses a resource box. Unlike EzineArticles, GoArticles is much easier to get your article approved. I’ve never had an article rejected at GoArticles.

ArticleCity is another article directory that I’ve used. Although probably not as popular as EzineArticles, their guidelines are a little more laxed and you can get articles approved rather easy. I’ve never had a problem with them when submitting good quality articles.

Although technically not an article submission site, PRWeb is a Press Release distribution site. A press release is nothing more than an article about your company. PRWeb will distribute your press release all over the Internet for a fee. I highly recommend them as I’ve had great success from just one press release.

Article Submission Site Reviews - Which Ones Are Best? by
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