Marketing can be such a complex issue for people, in this article we want to focus on Target Marketing and simplify the process for you.
What is Target Marketing?
Target marketing is pretty much what the title says, you are narrowing your focus on a particular segment of a market. For example: Within the market of animal care you want to target dog training. In this case you want to find people that have a need for this type of service. Animal care is a big market, if you don’t narrow your target you could be wasting your marketing efforts on someone who has a cat and has no interest in dog training, but it still falls under the umbrella of animal care.
So, to use your time and money more efficiently you must learn to target your market.
How to Target a Market
The first thing you have to do is know what the market needs. Go out and find forums, question and answer sites, related websites with active comment threads, find out exactly what concerns your market has.
Then you must make sure the product you are selling and the content your provide addresses the needs of your target market.
It is very hard to sell Cold. In most cases a customer won’t buy on the first visit, this is why your content has to be engaging enough to bring them back a second and third time. This is also the reason you need to know the lingo and needs of a customer. People in your target market can sniff you out, they know right away when someone doesn’t know what they are talking about. You will definitely lose customers if you don’t take the time to learn the basics of that marketplace.
The good news is once you build that trust with a customer selling becomes a lot easier. Is it worth the time to build trust? Ask any marketeer and you will get a unanimous Yes. The reason is the time you put in up front in target marketing and relationship building will payoff many times over in the future.
People place value in trust, and value equates to sales.
So, when you think about target marketing think about customer needs, product fulfillment, price point, building trust and customer retention. Once you learn more about your target market a lot of these elements will fall into place.
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