What Does It Cost to Start a Cleaning Business?

Owning your own cleaning business can be a rewarding way to earn a living as a small business owner. One expense that is common to all forms of cleaning businesses is purchasing any licenses or other legally required documentation so that you can establish your business. You will want to open a checking account for the business and register the business name with your state. These expenses differ from state to state. The cleaning business relies on reputation and word of mouth, so it is important that you are prepared to do a thorough job on the first service call. You will need to spend some money up front in order to ensure that you have all of the proper equipment to complete the job quickly and effectively.



The expenses of opening a house cleaning business can vary depending on your clientele. You will definitely need to invest in the most effective cleaning products you can find. Some of your startup money will also need to be funneled into advertising. If your clients do not already own small appliances like vacuum cleaners, you will need to purchase those items on your own. The initial startup is the most expensive time because you have to buy so many materials to begin with. Once you have what you need, you can replace things as they run out or wear out one at a time.


Carpet Cleaning

A good carpet cleaner will need to invest in some large equipment before opening the service. Think about what type of carpet cleaning you plan to do. If you are going to specialize in shampoo, you might need a large truck-mounted cleaner. Dry cleaning requires the right chemicals and a high-powered vacuum. A carpet cleaning service will also include hiring employees, which means you will have an ongoing salary expense as well as the tax liabilities that go along with employing workers.

Office Cleaning

An office cleaning business is also more effective if you hire more than one person to help complete the cleaning. If you plan to work for small offices, you might be able to finish the job on your own, but it will take more time and limit the number of offices you are available to work for. Most offices already own industrial vacuum cleaners, but you will need to be prepared to use your own. You will also need to purchase the appropriate cleaning equipment and things like replacement trash bags for desk receptacles.

Be Prepared for a Slow Start

Don’t forget to allow yourself a large enough cushion for your first year of operation. Since cleaning services rely so much on word of mouth, there is a good chance that you will not begin earning enough money to cover your initial costs until your second year. Make sure you have enough money set aside to cover the initial layout and any additional costs of operation for at least 12 months before you need to rely on income generated by the business. Consider this savings account part of your investment in the long-term success of your cleaning business. With any luck, you will not need to use it all and it can roll over into the next year’s profits.

Rotovac Carpet Cleaning & Supplies provides top quality carpet cleaning machines to successful small businesses across America.

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