Advertisement Strategies

Advertising Strategies

Advertisement strategies consist of various campaigns designed to communicate ideas about products and services to potential consumers in the hopes of convincing them to buy those products and services. This strategy, when built in a rational and intelligent manner, will reflect other business considerations (overall budget, brand recognition efforts) and objectives (public image enhancement, market share growth) as well.

There are two primary criteria which determine the effectiveness of any given campaign:

  1. The proportion of intended prospective consumer who were exposed to the ad
  2. The proportion of prospects who took the action intended by the campaign

While in the direct … Read more at Free Business Cards

Tinley Park Promotes Ranking on Business Cards

Tinley Park Promotes Ranking on Business Cards

BusinessWeek Magazine ranked the town of Tinley Park the best place to raise children in its most recent edition and business members of the community didn’t waste any time letting everyone know about their town. Jim Fuentes, an insurance business owner, quickly order 3,000 business cards stating the towns distinction the day that he heard the good news.

BusinessWeek considered over 800 communities in the US and compared their school test scores, affordability, job opportunities and crime rate. The article selected the small town outside of Chicago over all the other’s chosen to … Read more at Free Business Cards