5 Tips To Network With Your Business Cards

Sending business cards with mailed correspondences is one of the easiest ways to network with them. This may seem like a strange method but how many do you get every time you open your mail? This is because companies know you will see their business cards and it is why you should use every letter, “thank you” note, bill and shipped package as a chance to distribute your own business card.


Here are four other business card networking tips use:

  1. Use business cards for multiple purposes.

Ever ran into a friend you wanted to give your number so you jotted it down on a piece of paper? Why not use the back of your business card instead? He or she may not be looking for your services now, but the card may come in handy one day. Printing yearly calendars, inspirational quotes, conversion tables or even how-to tips relating to your services on the back can all help to make your cards more appealing.

  1. Use business cards at networking functions or when introducing yourself to the prospects you meet on a daily basis.

By doing this you make sure that the people you think most likely to use your service have a way to get in touch with you at all times. Additionally, persons are likely to accept your card when it is offered within context because it has some amount of meaning.

  1. See if places like your pharmacy or a store you shop at often would be willing to let you leave a few on the counter.

Ever seen flyers or pamphlet in little holders at your usual stores? Believe it or not they don’t all belong to someone working at the store. People use the option all the time because it means individuals they may never meet may see their business cards, take one and eventually call them when the need arises.

  1. Post your business card on notice boards in high traffic areas.

Some notice boards are free for use while others require permission so always check before you start leaving business cards anywhere. Once you get an affirmation go ahead  post a few of your business cards at your local supermarket, school or library. Even restaurants and gyms are great options.

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2 thoughts on “5 Tips To Network With Your Business Cards”

  1. Some notice boards are free for use while others require authorization so always check before you start leaving cards anywhere. Once you get an statement go ahead post a few of your cards at target, school or library. Even restaurants and gymnasiums are great options.

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  2. Once you get an statement go ahead post a few of your cards at target, school or library. Even restaurants and gymnasiums are great options.

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