5 Tips To Network With Your Business Cards

Sending business cards with mailed correspondences is one of the easiest ways to network with them. This may seem like a strange method but how many do you get every time you open your mail? This is because companies know you will see their business cards and it is why you should use every letter, “thank you” note, bill and shipped package as a chance to distribute your own business card.

Here are four other business card networking tips use:

  1. Use business cards for multiple purposes.

Ever ran into a friend you wanted to give your number so you jotted … Read more at Free Business Cards

Online Business Before SEO

Before SEO invaded the online business world, people had to settle about the way the search engines ordered the sites were ranked after every hit of the search button. This is to put it lightly – a long list of links that the person doing the search will have to patiently pore through in order to find what is it that he is really looking for. There is no problem to this method before as people used to have enough time to go through it. Things have changed however and today’s lifestyle already requires utmost speed without compromising efficiency. … Read more at Free Business Cards