How Business Card Paper Stock Can Influence The Impact Of Your Cards


Choosing the best paper stock for business cards

A business card helps create the right impression about you and your brand and can tell people a lot about your services or products. The layout and design of your business card are important as are the details you include on it, but just as crucial is the material your card is printed on. The paper you choose can change the way your completed business card looks and how it feels, which can influence how people think of your company. This means the choice of paper for business cards is an … Read more at Free Business Cards

Learn the Secrets to Effective Business Card Design

Creating an attractive business card is an effective and affordable way for small business owners to raise awareness about their services or products. Business card design may seem like an insignificant issue but the truth is, a vibrant design with a memorable message is an proven way to reach potential clients and convince them to make contact. Since the idea is to increase sales, an effective card must combine professionalism and creativity in a way that prompts a potential client to take action. This means sending a message that encourages a customer to pick up the phone and make … Read more at Free Business Cards

Franchise Bankruptcy – What if the Franchisor Declares Bankruptcy

One of the first questions that many franchisees will have when the franchisor goes into bankruptcy is “Can I keep running my business?” The answer to this is a resounding yes. When a franchisor declares bankruptcy they lose all the rights they have to their name and brand. This means they have no legal grounds on which to try and prevent you from using the name in your business. However, you need to make sure that you want to use the brand name for your business. People may associate your franchise with the bankruptcy and stop from … Read more at Free Business Cards

Floating Beer Pong Tables for Spring Break Marketing

Spring break events are one effective way to reach the college age demographic this season. During spring vacation, college students flock to popular spring break spots inside and outside the US. One powerful way to tap into this market is to brand a handful of beer pong tables with your company message and logo and place your product in at a spring break location, near water.  Four recent academic studies found that around 70% of college students play beer pong! In general, unfolding a beer pong table in the college scene attracts attention.  The novelty of a floating beer pong … Read more at Free Business Cards