Using Google Alerts to Manage Your Online Reputation

How to manage your online reputation

There are many things that you will need to do to perform online reputation management. One tool that can help you do these tasks is Google Alerts.

The reputation of your company is one of the most valuable assets that you company has. If it is a good reputation, then it can bring a large market share.

Meanwhile, if it is a bad reputation, it can severely diminish the size of your market share. It has such a big impact on the success of your business that it is critical that you monitor … Read more at Free Business Cards

Google’s Effect on Your Reputation

Since their humble beginnings in the early 2000s, blogs have become a staple of the internet. No longer are they just personal journals about the life of the author. They are targeted websites with specific subjects and are now some of the most popular websites in the world. With this in mind, Google has recently tweaked their search algorithm to make blogs more prominent in the results. Given the current popularity of blogs, there is a great deal of information available in blog posts that Google would like to help bring into the limelight.

Finding Your Business in the BlogosphereRead more at Free Business Cards