Promote A Facebook Fan Page With Facebook Promotion Cards


Promote A Facebook Fan Page With Facebook Promotion Cards


Facebook has become an incredible marketing tool for small businesses, entrepreneurs, musicians, entertainers, and many more. Facebook promotion cards offer an easy and effective way to spread the word about a Facebook fan page. Get more attention and more visits to a fan page by using a well designed promo card.



Utilizing a Facebook fan page is a smart way to market on the web. Millions of people access their accounts on the social networking site each and every day, so there is the potential to reach … Read more at Free Business Cards

Reseller Bulk SMS Caters To Specialized Markets

The incredible popularity of text messaging in recent years has made this a huge new retail market. Just like any widget, SMS is sold in units that are bought and sold through distributors, wholesalers, and retailers. The big telecommunication companies obviously control the text messaging market, but their huge customer base requires them to take a generalized approach toward marketing. The function of an independent reseller bulk SMS is to cater to the specialized needs of other SMS users.

Many large businesses are using text messaging as an efficient form of internal communication for memos and announcements. Marketing firms reach … Read more at Free Business Cards

Business Cards in a Wed 2.0 World


Business Cards in a Wed 2.0 World

A company called DUBMeNow has invented the #1 way of the future to exchange contact information, via Mobile Phones. The phone application called DUB receives 500 new user downloads a day on good days and allows Blackberry, iPhone, Windows Mobile, and Android cell phone users to quickly exchange information. The business cards of the past will be a long for years to come, but digital contact information exchange is what excites most tech savvy individuals.


Likewise LinkedIn, the business social network, has developed a phone application for the iPhone and … Read more at Free Business Cards

SnaBiz – iPhone Business Card Application

SnaBiz Business Card Reader

SnaBiz – iPhone Business Card Application

If you have a lot of business cards or receive a lot of business cards weekly, that are not entered into an online contact database, your new iPhone has the ability to convert those business cards to iPhone contacts within minutes. SnaBiz is an iPhone application that you can purchase that will take a picture of any business card an recognize the text on the card. You select the fields that match the text recognized and everything is stored for you to sort, search, and contact later.

Snabiz utilizes the Tesseract OCR engine to … Read more at Free Business Cards