Promote A Facebook Fan Page With Facebook Promotion Cards


Promote A Facebook Fan Page With Facebook Promotion Cards


Facebook has become an incredible marketing tool for small businesses, entrepreneurs, musicians, entertainers, and many more. Facebook promotion cards offer an easy and effective way to spread the word about a Facebook fan page. Get more attention and more visits to a fan page by using a well designed promo card.



Utilizing a Facebook fan page is a smart way to market on the web. Millions of people access their accounts on the social networking site each and every day, so there is the potential to reach … Read more at Free Business Cards

Printing Free Luggage Tags Is Both Fun And Easy

Printing Free Luggage Tags

In today’s hectic world, where travel has become yet another hassle for many people, the idea of printing free luggage tags is not only viewed as a great idea but fun as well.

For instance, many travelers today opt to print free luggage tags by visiting such websites as or

In turn, travelers who like these tags say there are so many cool images, colors and designs available that it’s become the thing to do for personalizing one’s luggage.

One popular tag — that can be printed for free on websites that offer this … Read more at Free Business Cards

Effective Social Media Marketing Using Google Alerts For Small Business

Google Alerts

Only a small percentage of small business owners believe their social media strategy delivers all they need. In my opinion, a trusted adviser should inform SMB customers about ways to leverage this online technology in their favor.

Reputation management is crucial when utilizing social media. Google Alerts is a service that allows you to receive updates about what is posted online about your products, personnel and company as well as your competitors. You can have updates delivered immediately, daily or weekly to allow you a chance to respond to any issues quickly.

Business owners should also monitor the … Read more at Free Business Cards

Vistaprint Marking Tags: Labels Of The Highest Quality

Finding attractive, high quality labels for an affordable price can seem like a challenge. Vistaprint marking tags are an excellent value. They offer a variety of designs and sizes to be used for all of your labeling needs.

Vista print marking tags can be used to label everything from books, to boxes, toys, and much more. You do not need to worry about losing track of items or arguing over which item belongs to who. Whether shopping for a holiday design, or just a basic everyday label, you can get exactly what you are looking for.

The technology being used … Read more at Free Business Cards

5 Tips To Network With Your Business Cards

Sending business cards with mailed correspondences is one of the easiest ways to network with them. This may seem like a strange method but how many do you get every time you open your mail? This is because companies know you will see their business cards and it is why you should use every letter, “thank you” note, bill and shipped package as a chance to distribute your own business card.

Here are four other business card networking tips use:

  1. Use business cards for multiple purposes.

Ever ran into a friend you wanted to give your number so you jotted … Read more at Free Business Cards

Vistaprint Can Help With Facebook Promotion

Vistaprint Business Cards

Vistaprint is offering a new way for business owners to increase their online presence and gain new customers. Now entrepreneurs can use Vistaprint to get a customized Facebook Timeline to promote themselves, along with Vistaprint business cards. When a person combines social media marketing with offline marketing, it gives them access to much more customers. In this time period, people expect all businesses to have some sort of Internet presence they can go to when they want to know more about a business. Any businesses without an Internet presence is missing out on customersRead more at Free Business Cards