Is Easy Money Still Possible on the Internet?

With the economy the way it is, more and more people are turning to alternate ways to make money, or try to. Probably the most popular way I hear people trying is selling their stuff on Ebay. Many of these people think that they are not capable of doing anything else so they will not even try other techniques of earning money on the Internet. Others come to the Internet looking for a quick dollar and are quick to scorn others who actually do make money easily. Since they are incapable of making money, the believe that no one … Read more at Free Business Cards

Freelance Transcription Service Work

Transcription services are one of the more common freelancing jobs found online. However, unlike writing, these sort of work is not open to just about anybody. Most transcribers need some sort of certification or accreditation, and that is just to be considered for a job. However, once one can demonstrate their qualifications, finding work should not be too hard. There is a high level of need in both the legal and medical industries, and much of this work can be performed from the comfort of the freelancer’s home. As a result, offering transcription services is a way a freelancer … Read more at Free Business Cards